Tuesday 27 March 2012

50 things I am thankful for

I have recently started to notice that I do not feel that I am thankful enough for the things Allah swt has given me. I always seem to be pondering over worries therefor I have decided to do a series whereby I will list 50 things I am thankful for. :-)

1. Life

2. Breath

3. Family

4. Shelter

5. Eyesight

6. Health

7. Education

8. Friends

9. A beautiful religion

10. A community

11. Stability

12. Food

13. Water

14. Sustinance

15. Enough wealth to provide for me

This list is to be continued.. *mysterious theme tune* haha ;)

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  1. Love the idea of keeping a list of things I'm grateful for! I tagged you on my latest post :) http://whalesandbluebirds.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/11-tagged-questions-tag.html

    1. http://youngmuslimblogggger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/tagged-post.html :)
