Tuesday 27 December 2011

I am the courage of Syria. 
I am the ruins of Iran
I am the catalyst of Tunisia. 
I am the rebel of Libya. 
I am the violated of Afghanistan. 
I am the orphan of Gaza. 
I am the deformed of Iraq. 
I am the liberated of Bahrain. 
I am the hunger stricken child of Somalia
 I am the martyr of Uzbekistan.
I am the hope of Egypt.
I am the freedom of Palestine. 
I am the bombarded of Pakistan.
I am the determination of Yemen. 
I am the solidarity of the Muslim world.
I am the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh)

Wednesday 21 December 2011


Honour, Dignity & Freedom. Just three of the many things Imam Hussain (as) portrays through Karbala. Three of the many things that humanity learns from this tragedy. The tragedy that catches the attention of the Shia and the non-Shia; the Muslim and the non-Muslim; the old and the young; male and female. It is a story in which the truth lost the physical battle but it is the truth that lived on till today; 1400 years later. It is an event in which every action had a meaning and every meaning had a message. It is universal, it is an event which everyone can sympathize, empathize and feel pathos for. For it is a series of tragic events that will be commemorated till the Day of Judgement by the lovers of the Ahlul-Bayt; the Shia of Imam Ali.

It is an event that brings tears to my eyes when i write about it . It is a message that brings tears to everybody's eyes. It brings tears to the eyes of the listeners, the readers, the writers and the narrators.It is an event after which even enemies like Yazid ibn Mu'awiya could not sleep peacefully. An even which Imam Ali Zainul Abideen ibn Hussain (as) wept, wailed and mourned over for the 36 years he lived after the tragedy of Karbala.

I pray that I will one day be privileged to do the Ziyarat of Imam Hussain and the Shuhada of Karbala.

As-Salaamu Alayk Ya Aba Abdillalahil Hussain.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Logooo :)

I need your guys' opinions on which logo to use for my blogg.. you can comment below or contact me by tweeting me on my personal account - @xx_Sumii_xx 


Friday 16 December 2011

OOTD 1 :)

I've recently noticed my follower and page count has shot up :) Welcome to my blog newbies, enjoy! X

Straight/Flare Navy Blue Jeans: Next
White Vest top: Primark
Brown Cardigan: New Look (I saw similar ones in Primark)
Bag: Accesorize
Hijaab: There are some lovely one in H&M at the moment
Bangles: Variety (check Accessorize/Monsoon)
Flat Sequinned Pumps: Debenhams

Friday 9 December 2011

I forgot Rant 4..

If I make an effort with you it means I care, and if you have told me you care then I expect effort from you too. However, If I have told you that I do not want to know you, then do not expect me to make an effort. I will never 'pretend' to care and not make an effort; nor will I 'pretend' to make an effort and not care. All I ask is for you to follow this. If you know me then you'd know that I like to keep things simple in life. No bitching; betraying; back biting; hating etc.. If there is anything then i will say it to your face because I'm not afraid of anyone but Allah (swt)

Overdue Rants

Don't you hate it when people belittle their own mistakes and exaggerate yours. Its simple, rather than belittling your own mistakes, learn from them, improve your character and personality for them. Then after you have perfected your own personality; mistakes; ideology etc.. then go and pick and point out other peoples mistakes. 

RANT 2: 
Don't give me advice on how to live life when your last 5 boyfriends you met over Omegle and broke up with within 2months. Now that I don't want you to be part of my life or know about my life, let me handle my issues. If there is something I don't want to tell you then don't keep pestering me to tell you because guess what? IM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU.

I am going to die of work overload and lack of sleep. I look like a bloody panda with these bags under my eyes.

Thanks for tuning in. I predict another rant session will be due in the near future.

Saturday 3 December 2011

My Counter Argument.

It is bidat to mourn and lament because Hadrat Husain ‘radiAllahu anh’ was martyred on that day. It is sinful. Mourning on Ashura Day is a custom of the Shiis. They mourn for Hadrat Husain. Because he was Hadrat Ali’s son, they praise him adoringly. But we the Ahl as-sunnat love him very much because he was Rasulullah’s grandson. There is no mourning in Islam. Muslims do not mourn only on Ashura Day. But they always become sad whenever they remember the tragedy of Karbala. They grieve deeply. They weep bitterly. If there were mourning in Islam, we would have done it not on Ashura Day but on the day when Rasulullah’s blessed feet bled all over in Taif, or when his blessed tooth was broken and his blessed face bled at Uhud or when he passed away. (Source: Hizmetbooks.net)

ok here is my counter argument..

1) We praise Imam Ali (a.s) is because Prophet Muhammad (saww) praised him himself. And he declared him his “Wali” Where were your hadith writers then?

2) By mourning the event of Karbala, we not only “weep bitterly” for our Prophet Muhammad (saww)’s grandson, but we weep because the Ummah that claimed to follow the Prophet (saww) turned their backs against his family after he passed away.

3) We also weep because to this day, the world did not understand our Mola.. calling the Battle of Karbala a “political battle.” 

4) If there were mourning in Islam, we would have done it not on Ashura Day but on the day when Rasulullah’s blessed feet bled all over in Taif, or when his blessed tooth was broken and his blessed face bled at Uhud or when he passed away. ”

If there was mourning in Islam... you would’ve also attended the Prophet (saww)’s funeral or helped in the preparations instead of choosing your next caliph. 


Wednesday 30 November 2011


Its a controversial time in history. Particularly between The Shia School of Thought and The Sunni School of Thought. I wanted to do a post explaining the tragedy that occured on 10th Muharram (and the events around it), but I felt i would not be able to do justice to the unjust, tragic events that fell upon the Ahlul Bayt (as). 

Friday 25 November 2011

Wajib < Wajib

I do not understand how and why Muslims think that one act of worship is more 'Wajib' or 'Fardh' (obligatory)  than another. The reason I cannot fathom this simply due to the fact that i am unsure where and what they base this judgement on. Is it because there are more benefits to one over the other, or is it out of pure ignorance?

E.g. If you do not pray your five daily Fardh prayers and someone finds out, they will automatically assume that you are an awful Muslim and you will go to hell.. HOWEVER, If a girl above 'the age' does not wear Hijaab, or a boy does not keep a beard (both of which are Wajib according to gender) then it is considered OK not to do as the 'she/he is not ready' excuse is used. But we cannot use the same excuse for Salaat (5 daily prayers) or Sawm (fasting). We cannot say that 'I do not fast/pray because I am not ready to' so how is it acceptable to use the same excuse for something else that is also obligatory?

Same way with Haraam (forbidden) acts. Drinking alcohol is Haraam, so is listening to music. So i do not understand how listening to music is considered OK while if you even dreamt of drinking alcohol your parents would probably pack your bags and send you to Pakistan to start life as a farmer.

The situation may be different in your community I am not trying to generalise or even target my own community. Please do not be offended, if you have any concerns please let me know. This is the perspective that my community has on this and I am confused why, someone care to explain these mind-boggling mentalities?

Saturday 5 November 2011


I can't go a day without thinking about my brothers and my sister who are suffering there. Guilt. Sadness. Helplessness. These are the emotions that overcome me when i see that flag hanging in my room. These are the feelings that take over my heart when I hear about them. These are the thoughts that overtake my mind, and remind me how lucky I am to be living in a country where I have the right to be safe, the right to education, the right to clean water, the right to all the necessities in life. These children in Palestine, OUR brothers and OUR sisters, they are worried and they are thinking about if they will wake up tomorrow or not.

No Justice No Peace, No Justice No Peace. The slogan that repeats itself over and over again throughout the day. 

I always think that 'Our finger prints don't fade form the lives we touch' I would do anything to help them, I just need to know how and what I can do.

'I'm not related to the strangers on the TV,
But I relate because those faces could have been me,' 

- Lowkey

Friday 4 November 2011

Instant Respect? I Think NOT.

Well Instant respect is what i always expected from guys since i started wearing Hijaab. Today i saw differently.

I was minding my own business on the way home, when 3 guys from my year (that are in a couple of my classes but hardly talk to) were walking behind me. So as normal people do they said hi and engaged in a general conversation. That conversation lead to one of them putting his hand round me and called me beautiful, piff etc.. I fairly quickly disengaged from the situation and walked ahead of them on my way home.

Made me think to be honest. I mean he was joking but surely even jokingly that is no sign of 'instant respect'? I posted a bit of this incident on twitter and I received responses like 'your intention wasn't right' 'you were probably flirting' etc. etc. but I honestly wasn't, if they hadn't said 'hi' I wouldnt have even started talking to them, I barely know them, just seen them around school and stuff. Then I looked on the flip side. I was like if it wasn't my actions that caused this situation then it was obviously their mind-set. its amazing how easy it is for a guy to look beyond the Hijaab on our head, and the modesty of our social etiquette.

Thursday 3 November 2011


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Emoticons.. I mean Emotions

Recently I have been experiencing a whale of emotions come over me. Sometimes happiness and utter joy; sometimes sadness and melancholy. Sometimes I lock myself up in my room and let my tears pour; sometimes I  just sit, think and reflect. You ask me why? I have no answer. You ask me what I think about.. I can tell you that.
Recently what has come to my attention is how fast life is going by, how fast i am growing up, how fast everything is happening. I was talking to someone quite close to me the other day and he agreed that he had felt the same and he could relate to how i was feeling.. It gave me some reassurance that i'm not the only one and i want to give you the reassurance that your not the only one either. 
Now, according to my mum, these are just my hormones taking over, she probably is right, but i feel there is a deeper meaning. that God is trying to tell me something. Is that normal? Please tell me it is.. 
I then actually read the quote on my pyjama shirt it said 'Its the little moments that make life wonderful' it made me realise a couple of things and made me appreciate life more.
The other day while i was thinking about all this i fell asleep, in the morning i find a text from my cousin saying ' Live every moment to the fullest, these seconds won't return' It really made me think.. I want it to make you think too. 

sorry shit post today im feeling emotional :( 

Monday 31 October 2011

Hallooweeeeenn.. oh and Kim K

Grr. Its that time of year again where you dish out goodies to a bunch of people pretending to be someone they're not. Sorry to be a kill joy but seriously? I'd rather eat the sweets myself -_____- my sisters get soo excited about it I don't even know why. Last year i had so many people come to my door I actually got sick of listening to my doorbell the whole evening.

Then we come to Kim Kardashian (if thats even how you spell it). the marriage that costed $10million lasted a mere 72days. that is about 2/3months. I mean look at the society today. These celebrities are the people that we are meant to admire and look up to, can we really rely on these sort of people as role models? We should be looking up to magnificent role models that Allah (swt) has guided through like Rasoolollah Prophet Muhammad and ladies like Bibi Fatima Zahra (as). These are REAL role models, these are the people we should strive to be like.

Rant over :) 

Tuesday 25 October 2011


I am allowed to recommend things to my readers right? RIGHT? OK. Well then.. I had heard of Lowkey a looong looong time back.. but never bothered to google him and and out who he is an what he does. A couple of weeks back i heard his name from a friend and decided to research a bit about him. I found out he was Rap artist and an i thought 'great! here we go again with the music' but I didnt stop there I listened to a couple of his tunes and read through his lyrics and there was one word that came to my mind. GENIUS. I'm not a music person. I don't listen to it. But. But. He is my exception. ive posted 2 of my favourite links below check them out! Oh and to listen to more you can youtube him 'Lowkey' or buy his albums and singles on itunes just click hereee :)

Questionnaire.. A bit more about me :D

ok so i saw a blog post with this questionnaire in it so i thought i'd fill it out for myselfff :) 

Name: Sumayya <3
Age: 14 (15 in 3.5 months!!)
Location: London 
Background: well.. my ancestors are from Indiaa but my dad was born in kenya and my mum was born in Tanzania
Nationality: British :)
Married/Engaged? Not yet 
Do you want to get married? Yes yes yesss!!
Kids?  2 Inshallah
Have you been to Hajj or Umrah? Ive been to Umrah when i was very little.. does that count? lol
How many masaajid have you been to? Loaaads! 
Who are some of your favorite recitors? Abdul Basit and Abdul- Rahman Al-Sudais their voices are amazzing mashallah!
When did you first start fasting? Well i think first full Ramadhan i fasted was when i was 8
What's your usual outift like when you go out? Jeans, top, cardigan/jacket and flats/trainers.. boring :(
What do you like about blogging? thaat its like a mini diary where i can write about whatever i come across in life from sadness to happiness; ups or downs; inspiration or rant ;)

How do you pin your hijab? umm.. turkish kinda style or the usual 2-wraps arond the head..
What's something that annoys you at Jummah: the people who moan about how long the Khutba is!
What was the last surah you read? (not recited in salah) I last read Surah Al-Waqiah
Do you brush your teeth for fajr salah? uhh.. are we meant to? i don't :s
Have you ever been part of an Islamic matrimonial site? nopeeee!
What color is the rug in the masjid you usually attend? umm... a dark green... i think
Have you ever washed a dead body before? noo but ive practiced washing on a live body.. if you get what i mean :S
What's the weirdest thing that happened to you in salah? The lady infront's bum hit me in the head during Jamaa' when we were getting up from sujood :S
What's something haram that you think most people don't know? gossip....
What's the craziest hijabi fashion you've seen? umm one of those brightly coloured maxi dresses with a bright pink hijaab and chunky accessories.. lookes quite nice compared to my jeans, top, cardi and trainers.. jealous moments.. :P

Heels or flats? I love heels but i think im too tall to wear them so i only wear flats :S
Do you drink energy drinks? sometimes.. when i need a sugar/caffeine rush
Do you drink juice? yessss 
Most embarrassing moment? ummm.... i dont know? Oh probably when in Ramadhan i fell down the stairs at mosque and my whole ankle swelled up and i had to used two walking sticks to go to the annex for a MALE doctor to check my foot out :L
Do you get mad easy? yesss :L 
Any phobias? Balloons..I HATE THEM.. dont ask..
Do you bite your nails? yess :(
Have you ever had a near death experience? loaaadsss! London is a dangerous city!
Do you drink coffee? not really im more of tea person :D
Where is your cell phone? Next to me
What room are you in? Living room

Where did you grow up? Londonn
Your friends? Had a couple of ups and downs recently.. finally discovered who my one real friend is :) 
Missing someone? Yesss :( :$ 
Your mood? worrieeeddd.... :s

Thursday 20 October 2011

United with Laughter

Humour is infectious. The sound of laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter is a language that all can understand. Old and young; Boys and Girls. Its a universal language that fills our hearts with joy and happiness. It is one of the most satisfying feelings, it frees your mind from all the troubles and dilemmas clogged and compressed inside our over worked brains. It is a moment where you forget what is going on around you, and your heart fills up with joy. It is a word that cannot be defined. It is a feeling that can't be described.

Friday 7 October 2011

When Apples and Blackberries Were Just Fruits...

This is my little sister when she was about 2 and a half years old :) 
I don't think I'm old enough to remember before Mac because apparently that came around when my father was a young child. But i do remember when my biggest worry was what colour crayon i was going to use to colour the hair of the princess in my colouring book, when my biggest worry is whether i will be home in time to watch my favourite cartoon program. Even the thought of being rich because you had 50p in your little purse (that you probably got from a party bag). I think we will all miss those times. But do you remember when you were that age and you wanted to be all grown up so you could go to bed later? or so you could spend more time with your friends from school without the constant protection of your parents? Now that I'm old enough to do all these things i miss my childhood. A Lot.I kind of regret not making the most of the freedom i had. When it was 'OK' to look a mess in public. When it was 'cute' to have crumbs all over your face. On the other hand when i talk to people older than me they tell me to make the most of the time i have now. And looking back I've decided to act upon that advice because i may not realise this now but in the future i'm certain i will miss this part of my childhood as much as i miss those early years of my life. Saying what they usually do is 'with age comes responsibility.'

Saturday 1 October 2011

A Muslim.. In My Eyes..

A Muslim - holds strongly to Islamic principles, but yet is adaptable to change when applying them in response to contemporary issues and challenges.

A Muslim - is morally and spiritually strengthened to face the challenges of modern society, especially in the changing economy.

A Muslim - knows about Islamic History and civilization, and is intentionally equipped to understand Islam and contemporary issues of the Islamic world.

A Muslim - believes that a good Muslim is also a good citizen.

A Muslim - is well adjusted to living in a secula state and multi-religious society and contributes to global humanity

A Muslim - is well adjusted to living in a secular state and multi-religious society, and contributes to global humanity, including taking leadership roles.

A Muslim - is progressive, keeps up with the demands of modern society and practices Islam beyond rituals or form.

A Muslim - appreciates the richness of other civilizations, and is self-confident enough to interact with others and is prepared to learn from them.

A Muslim - is inclusive and practices pluralism where this does not go against Islamic principles.

WE together are all striving to be perfect MUSLIMS one day Inshallah Ta'la

Thursday 1 September 2011

Things to Remember in Life..

Remember the following as you go through life..
  • Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious, because, everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really likes you. You have to be careful, don't hastily regard him as a real friend.
  • No one is indispensable, nothing in the world that you must possess.  Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don't want you anymore, or when you lose what/who you love most.
  • Life is short. When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.
  • Love is but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one's mood. If your so called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness. Don't over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don't over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.
  • A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, that does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life. One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!
  • You honour your words, but don't expect others to be so. You can be good to people, but don't expect people to be good to you. If you don't understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.
  • People have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but many never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!
  • No matter how much time we have with each other, let's treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.

Btw.. Eid Mubarak hope you had a blessed one lovelies :) Xx

Wednesday 24 August 2011


Humans are social creatures by nature; they're always in need of friends and companions. Most of our lives depend on interaction with others. Strong individuals are the core of a strong community, something that Muslims should always strive for.

We all know that Allah (SWT) the Most High has brought us to life in order to test us. Thus we are here for a relatively short period of time and that we shall meet Allah (SWT) one Day, so we need to use our present life for what is best for us in the hereafter. Once we know our purpose and our goal in life, we should seek ways to achieve them so as to benefit our own selves.

In an authentic Hadith(narration), Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: "Man is influenced by the faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you associate with."

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) who has the most noble character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear and simple message and advice in regard to friendship.

How should we choose our friends? We should choose the friend that believes and abide by our religion (Islam) and gives great respect to what Allah (SWT) and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has ordered us. And we should stay away from that who is not well mannered and gives no attention to what Islam is about or what pleases or displeases Allah (SWT), for he will surely affect us negatively. There is no good in the companion drowns us in sins and displeasing Allah (SWT).

In another Hadith(narration), Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: "The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows. So as for the seller of musk then either he will grant you some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows then either he will burn your clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him."

When choosing our friends we should ask ourselves first: Are they going to help us achieve the purpose for which we were brought to life? Or will they take us away from it? Will they desire for us Allah (SWT)'s pleasure or is that completely irrelevant to them and not their concern at all? Are they leading us to Paradise or to the Hell?

Monday 15 August 2011

Confessions of a Muslimah 3

Sometimes when we read the Qur'an we read it for the sake of reading it. It is when we understand the words, when we understand the conversation we are having with Allah (swt) that makes you realise the beauty, the perfection, the eloquence, the guidance it provides for us, that makes me tear up. Some people tear at the sound of The Holy Qur'an being recited, this is due to the immense love they have for the Qur'an and I pray to reach that level one day Inshallah.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Confessions of a Muslimah 2

Its true isn't it? But on a serious note i love Ramadhan. Its the perfect opportunity to completely focus on your Deen and betterment of you character. It is a month where you reflect on the year that has just passed and a  month where the the year ahead is decided on the holy night of Qadr. The atmosphere of breaking your fast with people you love, the feeling  of Rahma (blessings) being poured upon you by The Almighty Allah  (swt). It is a month that cannot be described, only experienced.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Confessions of a Muslimah 1

I crossed out work because..
1) I don't work
2) /the only wear Burqa's at mosque!
Nevertheless.. Don't you just love it when you can get away with wearing absolutely anything under your Burqa (3baya)?
The joys of wearing whatever you want underneath is totally comforting.. so even if u have 2 mins to get up and get ready.. if you pop-on your burqa and a nice hijaab to go with it your done!
I think all Muslimah's will be able to relate!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Rising Up Against Tyranny

If in every discord between two factions, one has the duty to flee, stay at home, and withhold one’s sword, then no single law would ever be upheld and no injustice would ever be negated. Moreover, every hypocrite and transgressor would find a way to unlawfully seize what Allah made unlawful from the wealth of the people, their women and spilling their blood, by joining forces with one another, while the Muslims would withdraw their hands by claiming this is a discord that they have been prohibited from getting involved in and have been ordered to flee, which is in contradiction to the Prophetic teaching “Seize the hands of the foolish ones” (i.e. stop them).

—Muḥammad b. JarÄ«r Al-ṬabarÄ« [d 310/923], from TafsÄ«r al-Qurtubi

Sunday 31 July 2011

Ramadhan Mubarak!

Ramadan Mubarak. I wish you a blessed and productive Ramadan! Make no mistake about it - keeping the fast and increasing our acts of worship during this blessed month is not an easy task. The physical demands of balancing work or school with fasting all day, feeling fatigued and less effective than you normally are, waking up for Suhoor, dealing with sleep deficits.
But the last thing we would want is to let Ramadan pass us by without doing all that we aim and desire to. Do not allow yourself to feel guilty or regretful when Ramadan passes. Enjoy the blessings that are being poured upon us and make the most of the Rahma that Allah is presenting to us. It is a month of unity for the ummah. Every muslim is celebrating Ramadan not just the Ahle-Sunnah, not just the Shias EVERYONE! use this month to ask for forgiveness, to better yourself and improve until next year.
Hope all you have a blessed month ahead.. xx

Saturday 23 July 2011

Muslim Girl's Ramblings

As each day of the month passes I find myself facing different dilemmas. I feel lost and confused in search of someone to talk to.. the right person to talk to. Not someone that will judge; not someone who will walk in and out whenever they please; not someone who isn't ready to help. Someone who understands me; understands that I cant undo everything that has happened; someone who wont start shouting at me or telling me off for things that were not under my control. 
Its not easy finding someone you trust with you secrets but when that person steps into your world your life changes drastically. The feeling off getting your problems off your chest is unbelievable. So much stress is taken off your mind, less burden for you to carry on your shoulders, no baggage to drag behind you like a shadow.
It obviously doesnt mean your problems will be solved in the click of a finger but it is the first step and most comforting step in the process of correcting your mistakes. 

Don't bottle it up, it only makes it worse <3

Tuesday 19 July 2011

I Believe in me, Therefore You should Believe in You.

The voice of our original self is often muffled, silenced, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of other people’s expectations.That's why we want you to believe in your dreams; believe in yourself. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect It's successful outcome..so lets motivate ourselves by making each other believe that we are the greatest things possible on planet earth. 

‎"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there" - Josh Billings 

Saturday 16 July 2011

See your goal, Aim, Score!

Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals. After all, would you set out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination? Probably not!
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your 'ideal' future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can easily, lead you astray but if determintation is present then nothing will steer you away form the target.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

16 days to Ramadhan.. and counting!

Spread salaam not hate.
Islam is complete, so I can't lose faith.
Don't ask why I don't go on dates,
taqwa is the goal, 
gotta feed the soul, 
that's why I gotta fast and when I do I break it with fresh dates. 
Never giving up explaining it to my mates
You are you what you eat, 
gotta choose halal meat.
Keep it Sunnah, 
can't have a complete week without Jumu'ah
insh'Allah next month we'll be in Ramadan, yup for the whole Ummah!

Mashallah, I cannot believe how quickly this year has past. It has been full of blessings from Allah(swt) and I couldn't have asked for anything more. I have has my ups and downs but I enjoyed the ups and learnt form the downs. Isn't that what life is about? Learning from your mistakes to make yourself a better person so next time you don't repeat the mistake.. of course its not that you wont make any mistake ever again but those mistakes will also teach you how to improve everything from your personality, spirituality etc. 

Saturday 25 June 2011

problems.. do they ever end?

Life is full of problems, complications and responsibilities. Each one of us has so many issues to deal with, be it money, career, family, relationships or education, with each day challenging our strength and will power. A successful person is one who takes up these challenges and emerges out victorious. However, have you ever wondered that with so many beautiful things in life to explore, why do we always end up losing our minds over the future, and not caring about the present? Remember, the trick to a happy and contented life is to consider life one day at a time and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Trend setter? Follower? or just Unique?

Its an everyday problem in the life of a teenage girl. Bitchiness. Backbiting. Hating. Discriminating because your not wearing the latest fashions, or following the new trend, or even because you wear the beautiful Hijaab. but why? I was once told 'be a Shepard not a sheep' I'm not saying i'm a leader or want people to follow me but Why do we feel like being different is a wrong thing? i don't like to follow the crowd i like to be.. unique.. i like to be Me. 
Why try to be someone else when there is no-one else in the world that can do a better job of being you that you? why try be someone else when there are people out there that like you for who you are?
My advice..? You dont live to please your so-called 'friends' you live to please God and only God.. well I do anyway.. 

P.S - sorry i havnt blogged for ages been busy but i cam across this issue so thought i would blog it :)

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Im a #HappyHijaabi

Poem: Im a Happy Hijaabi :)

People look. People stare,
They look at me with an ignoranced glare.
Look at her - she's out of place,
She's only showing her hands and face!
They never intend to know the reason,
Only imagine it to be a form of treason.
People question. People wonder,
About the influences I am under.
Why I cover-up from head-to-toe,
So that my physical body doesn’t show!
My personality and character are more,
Than can be shown with clothes from any store
People think. People assume,
That we are in a state of gloom.
Those Muslim women must be oppressed,
Just look at how they are dressed!
If they knew how I feel inside,
All their beauty they also hide.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Turn it Up-side Down :)

So its the day of the wedding and this week has been the most chaotic week i can remember for a long time! Ive been running around from one ocassion to another, helping with odd jobs but all in all having the time of my life, meeting new cousins, taking photographs, serving food and all the rest of it. Chores come in there somewhere too but hey, its all for my 2 lovely cousin-brothers :)

Ive been contemplating for the past couple of days that am i loosing my brothers? Well.. thats what i thought, i thought that their lovely wives-to be will 'taking' them away from us. But then i turned it on its head. Im not loosing my brothers im getting two lovely sister-in laws.

Ive learnt a really important lesson this week. Always look at situation from all angles and find the one that suits you best.

After all that i still think tears will be shed at the wedding never the less im sure it will be an evening to remember :) x