Wednesday 30 November 2011


Its a controversial time in history. Particularly between The Shia School of Thought and The Sunni School of Thought. I wanted to do a post explaining the tragedy that occured on 10th Muharram (and the events around it), but I felt i would not be able to do justice to the unjust, tragic events that fell upon the Ahlul Bayt (as). 

Friday 25 November 2011

Wajib < Wajib

I do not understand how and why Muslims think that one act of worship is more 'Wajib' or 'Fardh' (obligatory)  than another. The reason I cannot fathom this simply due to the fact that i am unsure where and what they base this judgement on. Is it because there are more benefits to one over the other, or is it out of pure ignorance?

E.g. If you do not pray your five daily Fardh prayers and someone finds out, they will automatically assume that you are an awful Muslim and you will go to hell.. HOWEVER, If a girl above 'the age' does not wear Hijaab, or a boy does not keep a beard (both of which are Wajib according to gender) then it is considered OK not to do as the 'she/he is not ready' excuse is used. But we cannot use the same excuse for Salaat (5 daily prayers) or Sawm (fasting). We cannot say that 'I do not fast/pray because I am not ready to' so how is it acceptable to use the same excuse for something else that is also obligatory?

Same way with Haraam (forbidden) acts. Drinking alcohol is Haraam, so is listening to music. So i do not understand how listening to music is considered OK while if you even dreamt of drinking alcohol your parents would probably pack your bags and send you to Pakistan to start life as a farmer.

The situation may be different in your community I am not trying to generalise or even target my own community. Please do not be offended, if you have any concerns please let me know. This is the perspective that my community has on this and I am confused why, someone care to explain these mind-boggling mentalities?

Saturday 5 November 2011


I can't go a day without thinking about my brothers and my sister who are suffering there. Guilt. Sadness. Helplessness. These are the emotions that overcome me when i see that flag hanging in my room. These are the feelings that take over my heart when I hear about them. These are the thoughts that overtake my mind, and remind me how lucky I am to be living in a country where I have the right to be safe, the right to education, the right to clean water, the right to all the necessities in life. These children in Palestine, OUR brothers and OUR sisters, they are worried and they are thinking about if they will wake up tomorrow or not.

No Justice No Peace, No Justice No Peace. The slogan that repeats itself over and over again throughout the day. 

I always think that 'Our finger prints don't fade form the lives we touch' I would do anything to help them, I just need to know how and what I can do.

'I'm not related to the strangers on the TV,
But I relate because those faces could have been me,' 

- Lowkey

Friday 4 November 2011

Instant Respect? I Think NOT.

Well Instant respect is what i always expected from guys since i started wearing Hijaab. Today i saw differently.

I was minding my own business on the way home, when 3 guys from my year (that are in a couple of my classes but hardly talk to) were walking behind me. So as normal people do they said hi and engaged in a general conversation. That conversation lead to one of them putting his hand round me and called me beautiful, piff etc.. I fairly quickly disengaged from the situation and walked ahead of them on my way home.

Made me think to be honest. I mean he was joking but surely even jokingly that is no sign of 'instant respect'? I posted a bit of this incident on twitter and I received responses like 'your intention wasn't right' 'you were probably flirting' etc. etc. but I honestly wasn't, if they hadn't said 'hi' I wouldnt have even started talking to them, I barely know them, just seen them around school and stuff. Then I looked on the flip side. I was like if it wasn't my actions that caused this situation then it was obviously their mind-set. its amazing how easy it is for a guy to look beyond the Hijaab on our head, and the modesty of our social etiquette.

Thursday 3 November 2011


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Emoticons.. I mean Emotions

Recently I have been experiencing a whale of emotions come over me. Sometimes happiness and utter joy; sometimes sadness and melancholy. Sometimes I lock myself up in my room and let my tears pour; sometimes I  just sit, think and reflect. You ask me why? I have no answer. You ask me what I think about.. I can tell you that.
Recently what has come to my attention is how fast life is going by, how fast i am growing up, how fast everything is happening. I was talking to someone quite close to me the other day and he agreed that he had felt the same and he could relate to how i was feeling.. It gave me some reassurance that i'm not the only one and i want to give you the reassurance that your not the only one either. 
Now, according to my mum, these are just my hormones taking over, she probably is right, but i feel there is a deeper meaning. that God is trying to tell me something. Is that normal? Please tell me it is.. 
I then actually read the quote on my pyjama shirt it said 'Its the little moments that make life wonderful' it made me realise a couple of things and made me appreciate life more.
The other day while i was thinking about all this i fell asleep, in the morning i find a text from my cousin saying ' Live every moment to the fullest, these seconds won't return' It really made me think.. I want it to make you think too. 

sorry shit post today im feeling emotional :(