Saturday 25 August 2012

Social Expectations?

Why can people not accept the way you are?

Why do people have to judge you before they know you?

Why can't people respect others that may be different from them? 

It says in the Holy Qur'an - 'We have made you amongst different tribes so you may know one another'
It doesn't say so you could fight amongst each other. it doesn't say so you could be jealous of one another. It says so that you may know and identify one another. At the end of the day, we are all different. our ideologies may be similar to some due to the environment we have grown up in and how we have been raised but we are all different. so why do people have to mock, judge, envy and quarrel with each other because of (mostly) minor disagreements? It just frustrates me. 

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Memos of Life

Life is too short.

Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.

Laugh when you can.

Show the world you always have a reason to smile.

Apologise when you should and let go of what you can.

Take chances.

Thank God.

Give everything and don't expect.

Take a risk but don't regret.

Life is too short to be unhappy.

You have to take the good with the bad.

Smile when you're sad.

Love what you got and always remember what you had.

Always forgive but never forget.

Don't reminise and ponder.

Learn from your mistakes but never regret.

People change and things go wrong.

But always remember, life goes on..

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Saturday 19 May 2012


I am so sorry guys, I know I hav't blogged in ages but exams and revision are killing me. I have 8 exams to go and will Insha'allah finish on the 22nd of June so after that date Insha'allah I will update regularly. If you have any topics you would like posts and opinions about them please tweet me @confusedhijabi :) Till then please keep me in your Dua'3 so I pass my exams Insha'allah <3 Salaam & Peace.

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Tuesday 10 April 2012

Tagged Post :)

Okay, so I was going to continue my '50 things to be thankful for' but I got tagged in a post by and decided I will answer her questions before I continue my previous post.

To the rules are:
- Post 11 random facts about  yourself
- Answer the 11 questions from the person who tagged you
- Tag 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions
-  Inform those you tagged

I'm going to cheat a bit and not tag 11 bloggers because I don't have the time (and I am a bit lazy) to let other bloggers know I've tagged them, Sorry! 

11 Random facts:
1. I want to be a dentist
2. I love Photography
3. I want to be engaged by 19 or 20, Insha'allah
4. I am a tweetoholic - Follow me @xx_Sumii_xx
5. I cannot leave the house without my phone, ever!
6. I am a die-hard Liverpool FC fan
7. I eat out of bordem
8. I live in London
9. I day-dream way too much
10. I love  playing badminton
11. I love travelling 

1. What inspired you to start a blog?
erm, I needed a hobby that i enjoyed and i felt i needed a way to express any views I have on something apart from twitter.

2. What's your favourite blog
I have to admit, i don't read that many blog, but it has to be my cousin Shelina Zahra Janmohamed's blog (author of Love in a Headscarf)

3. Twitter or Facebook
It has to be twitter, i deactivated my Facebook a month or two back!

4. Apple or Android
Seeing as I own an android, it has to be Android! (and i hate the Iphone although I own an Ipad)

5. Desert Island. Pick 3 things
urm, my phone, can't live without it.
a  bubble machine, so i have something to do while i wait for someone to come and rescue me
and my camera, because i have always imagined desert islands to be beautiful!

6. What is your opinion on environmental issues?
I think we should try  out best in taking care f the earth as after all it is Allah (swt)'s creation and gift to us. 

7.Do you recycle as best as you can?

8.Which website do you visit the most (exc. social networking, blogs or e-mail)
ermm.... online shopping!

9. What do you do for a hobby?
blog, tweet and take lots of pictures!

10. Favourite film?
I am afraid it has to be 'Patiala House' (Indian Film) or any of the Harry Potter movies!

11. Pick a Sahabah, Why?
Aaahhhh, there are too many! It would have to be Salman AlFarsi. Simply because he was not related to the Prophet (pbuh) - so was not infalliable - and yet had such a high status of Imaan that the Prophet (pbuh) once said ' Salman is from the AhlulBayt'

My 11 Questions to you!
1. Favourite gadget?
2. What do you love about Islam?
3. Social Networking, yay or nay?
4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you choose?
5. Ideal place to live? why?
6. Have you ever been on Hajj? Umrah?
7. Most embarrassing moments?
8. Tea or Coffee?
9. Blue ink or Black ink?
10.  Favourite TV show?
11. Best thing about blogging?

That is it from me, sorry i did not complete the whole thing but if you want to answer the 11questions i have posted then feel free, comment when you have and I will defiantly have a read of them!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

50 things I am thankful for

I have recently started to notice that I do not feel that I am thankful enough for the things Allah swt has given me. I always seem to be pondering over worries therefor I have decided to do a series whereby I will list 50 things I am thankful for. :-)

1. Life

2. Breath

3. Family

4. Shelter

5. Eyesight

6. Health

7. Education

8. Friends

9. A beautiful religion

10. A community

11. Stability

12. Food

13. Water

14. Sustinance

15. Enough wealth to provide for me

This list is to be continued.. *mysterious theme tune* haha ;)

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Saturday 17 March 2012

Our Duty

Its been 11 years since I first started Madressa. Its been an exciting 11 years. Tackling mid-term tests, coursework and exams since I was 4 years old and striving to rank 1st, 2nd or 3rd in my very competitive class. However, now, as I leave it is time to put all that I have learnt; all the knowledge I have accumulated and put it into action and advocate the message that Rasoolollah taught through the two weighty things he has left us: The Holy Qur'an and The Ahlul-Bayt.  

It is now time to portray Islam in its true light and not what the Media portrays Islam as. It is sad to think that people are being manipulated by the media and being lead into thinking that the very small group of extremists represent every Muslim. This is but far from the truth. 

I have always wondered what my duties as a British Muslim are? It was only two weeks ago that I was sitting in a discussion about Islamism and what it means to be a British Muslim in the 21st Century. 
Does it just mean to be aware of what is being said about Islam in the media? 
Does it mean to respond to what is being said about Islam in the Media? 
Is it to unite us with our brother from the Ahle-Sunnah? 
Is it to SHOW the public, the people around us, that Islam is a religion based around peace? 

However you decide to complete your duty as a Muslim in the current situation, when Allah (swt) asks us on the Day of Judgement 'Did you complete your duty as a Muslim in the 21st century?' We should at least be able to reply saying 'I tried..' 

Inshallah we will be able to answer this question as lovers of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his progeny and we will all be granted with paradise in the hereafter. Ameen 

Saturday 10 March 2012

There is a difference between stubbornness and being strong in your views and beliefs.